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Thursday, August 19, 2010

For those in the New York City area...

The Coalition to Honor Ground Zero has announced a major protest in Lower Manhattan this Sunday, August 22 (which means there are going to be that many more people for Nancy Pelosi to order investigated for daring to oppose a monument to Muslim terrorists):

Join construction workers, firefighters, veterans, 9/11 families and first responders, human rights leaders, and residents of the Ground Zero neighborhood will unite for a major protest at the Ground Zero mosque site.

Protesters to demand that the State Department answer: why are you sending Imam Rauf as an envoy across America and the globe on the taxpayers’ dime?

WHO: The Coalition to Honor Ground Zero and:

the Blue Collar Corner;

The Bravest;

9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America;

Women United International;

Stop Shariah Now;

ACT! For America and ACT! Manhattan;

Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam;

and many other organizations and leaders to be announced, as well as local residents living in the Ground Zero area.

WHEN: Sunday, August 22nd at 11:00 a.m

WHERE: Park Place, at northeast corner of Church Street and West Broadway, Manhattan

WHY: To push back against those attempting to impose harsh Shariah Islam, stealth jihad or terror on our nation. We will not be moved!

For those in the New York City area... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin