Um... what?
Cold empties Bolivian rivers of fish: Nature News
Now we're to believe that Global Warming is melting the ice to the north, while deep-freezing the south? Are we to believe that since heat rises, and north is up, that OF COURSE Global Warming is just melting stuff in the northern hemisphere?
I was keeping an open mind, but now I'm increasingly starting to side with the people who say the whole global warming/climate change crap made so popular by Al Gore really IS nothing more than politically motivated claptrap at best, some sort of neo-pagan doomsday religion/cult at worst. If for no other reason, because now they're swinging back to the imminent global destruction I remember they were talking about as a kid: Man was causing GLOBAL COOLING and we were all going to die because is it!
I think perhaps these two Times Magazine covers, from roughly 30 years apart, illustrate the level of bullshit that's being spread more clearly than I can...
How long before we see this cover story again?
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Global Warming Strikes Again:Cold Snap Kills Animals in Bolivian Rivers!