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Monday, May 9, 2011

Kawaii Anime Girl

Kawaii Anime Girl. kawaii anime girls Image

  • kawaii anime girls Image

  • Jon the Heretic
    May 6, 07:47 AM
    I can't think of a worse idea!

    If this happens, my 25+ year love of the Mac ends. Only the 68K--> PPC transition was smooth and effortless. The Intel transition was worth it for native Windows support but painful and costly.

    I have already pledged never to upgrade to Lion -- bunch of useless features in exchange for a big upgrade cost of my Macs? No thanks; keeping useful expensive apps outweigh useless new features any day.

    IF they go to ARM, tha that that's ALL folks! After the dreadful Intel transition, never again will I follow like an Apple-scented Sheep (first lost all of my Classic apps, then my Carbon apps, and now all of Rosetta apps???) You can't trust Apple to maintain Intel compatibility beyond a few years, and my apps have a much longer life than that. I AM NOT MADE OF MONEY!!! Bite me on so many levels.

    I like my iOS devices---but if this happens, my next laptops/desktop will be Windows 7-based. PCs are better media hubs anyway for iOS devices since Apple doesn't fleece you by forcing you to have the latest OS and hardware like they do with the Mac just to sync your iPhone/iPad. I'd prefer to keep my Macs but I am already passing on Lion on my MacBook and 24" Intel iMac; I would be more than fine with passing on new Macs as well and saving a wad o' money. I have plenty of iOS devices to play with.

    Kawaii Anime Girl. Kawaii Japanese Anime
  • Kawaii Japanese Anime

  • Don't panic
    May 3, 09:07 PM
    ok, this is my proposal so we get going:
    we temporarily split in two groups.
    round1 turn 1:
    a) appleguy (wilmer) and one or two more (ucf-rohn and aggie-rosius?) explore the start room
    b) moyank (beatrice), me (Loras), plutonius (Jorah) and maybe another one (eldiablo-dante?) split and move to the door to the top right, as suggested by beatrice. hopefully no monster there on round one, but if so 3-4 people should be enough to deal with it
    round1 turn2:
    - group a) joins group b) in the same room
    - group b) explores the second room for traps and treasure

    Kawaii Anime Girl. What anime girl resides in you
  • What anime girl resides in you

  • maccompaq
    Jan 5, 09:08 AM
    I don't use AV software on my Windows computers nor will I use it on my Macs.
    And believe it or not, I have not had an infection in all the years (many) that I have been on the net.

    Kawaii Anime Girl. Info - Anime girl sketches
  • Info - Anime girl sketches

  • karolynaz
    Mar 31, 08:13 AM
    Does anyone know if you can now print highlighted text like you can in Windows? Since they're adding the age old full-screen window feature, I think this feature would also be a welcome addition.

    Don't forget the CUT. OS X still can't cut file and paste in another place.

    Kawaii Anime Girl. Missing You kawaii anime girl
  • Missing You kawaii anime girl

  • Iconoclysm
    Apr 21, 05:00 PM
    If it doesn't have Lights Out Management, it isn't a server. Our datacenter doesn't even allow servers without LOM into the building, and I agree with that policy. There's more to making a server than turning it sideways and bolting it to a rack.

    I'd imagine that would be in the plans.

    Kawaii Anime Girl. Anime Girl by ~kawaii-ally on
  • Anime Girl by ~kawaii-ally on

  • Jensend
    Mar 30, 02:32 AM
    The storage costs 4 times as much as Google cloud storage (not sure if Google's service handles music files well)

    Kawaii Anime Girl. anime girl by
  • anime girl by

  • toxic
    May 6, 12:23 AM
    the PPC-Intel move is not comparable - Steve Jobs intended to switch to Intel from the beginning. this is just a backwards move for anything beyond the netbook space, which Apple isn't competing in.

    Kawaii Anime Girl. Kawaii Anime Girl
  • Kawaii Anime Girl

  • weckart
    Nov 15, 01:32 PM
    Is there anything it's not terribly good at?

    It doesn't appear to be too good at dealing with Time Machine back ups ( Tread with caution.

    Kawaii Anime Girl. cat in kawaii anime style
  • cat in kawaii anime style

  • milo
    May 4, 03:01 PM
    If 10.7 contains the ability to create a recovery partition, wouldn't it be simple enough to also have the feature of creating that same partition on a USB drive (or burn to disk)?

    In theory it seems like that could have the potential to be even better than a commercially burned DVD since it could be updated as 10.7.x updates come out. They'd just need to include a user option for updating the recovery partition or not (or best case, have the recovery partition include all the 10.7.x revisions and let power users choose which version is restored).

    We don't know specifics yet, but many people seem to be assuming that Apple wouldn't include any way to recover and reinstall, which seems extremely unlikely.

    Kawaii Anime Girl. Kawaii anime girl
  • Kawaii anime girl

  • Nightarchaon
    Apr 23, 04:34 PM
    I'm not impressed if this is where the iMac display is potentially going , the current GPUs can barely drive the resolutions they have now in anything other than simple desktop apps . , can you imagine what video card you would need to drive a game (say portal 2 which has low to modest requirements) at 30fps + on a screen with 3200 or higher resloution ? Well whatever that GPU is , apple will ship with the one released 2 years ago and half the RAM it shipped with on the PC .

    I love the mac OS , I love the mac design , I hate the "last years tech with a shiney shell" we seem to have to put up with , super high res screens and faster I/O ports are all well and good , but put a decent GPU in now the mac is becoming a contender as a home gaming platform .

    Think I ranted a bit then , sorry :rolleyes:

    Kawaii Anime Girl. anime animal girls 742x1020
  • anime animal girls 742x1020

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 11:32 AM
    OK, I'll grant you that MobileMe doesn't suck as much as I make it sound. I just don't like it and so I don't use it anymore. Fair enough.

    But, I think you misunderstand how Google's ads work. They aren't indexing and storing your emails in some data bank to sell off to ad companies. They do simple pattern matching on the text in your email to figure out which ads are most relevant and then displays those to you. The ad companies don't have access to your emails and can't read them, etc. I'm not being capitalized. If I don't want the ads I can pay $50 / year, or I can take the ads for free. That's just business, I enter into that in full agreement. And I trust Google just as much (if not more) than some random schmo ISP that would give me shoddy email service and just as much privacy as Google does but without the ads.

    Point taken but what kind of FOOL am I to trade my privacy to Google for a paltry $6 at any level?

    Where you go, who you speak to and how you communicate is of tremendous value and I recommend that people think about actual value. We're moving from this era where the expectation should be that Cloud services at a basic level should be incorporated into the product without the vendor resorting to advertisements.

    Google and Facebook have both come out with disturbing revelations about how they feel about consumer privacy. I think the beauty of the web is that no company is irreplaceable. I could continue to get email, online calendar, pictures, documents and more without Google and that's a great feeling.

    Kawaii Anime Girl. Kawaii Angel
  • Kawaii Angel

  • elppa
    May 7, 05:41 PM
    I think Apple is doing this not because of the Mac but because of Android. They want to give iPhone customers the services Google gives them for free when they get an Android phone � push email, contacts, calendars and photos. Apple can't afford to leave any stone unturned in the market share race with Google.

    I guess I am the only one that remembers that it started out as a free service. Before it was .Mac it was called iTools and it was free. It was a benefit of being a part of the Mac community.

    No, you're not alone.

    I've had an account since iTools.

    I'd argue it was more sophisticated (relative to the competition) back then. In 2000 WebDav online disk and IMAP mail were something to crow about. Now everyone offers IMAP at least.

    Yes, but a la Google works. MobileMe is crap. So if they make it free then you'd either get free crap without ads, or free stuff that works with ads. Seems fair.

    I willing to bet good money MobileMe Email has higher uptime than Google Mail in the last year.

    Kawaii Anime Girl. Kawaii School Girl by ~Launite
  • Kawaii School Girl by ~Launite

  • charlituna
    Apr 25, 09:44 AM
    So Steve is saying there is no database of locations? Thats just an outright lie.

    He didn't say that at all. The question was if Apple is tracking user locations. He said no. Which is correct. The information never leaves your iphone or computer.

    Unlike the app that shows the map of the spots which calls out to two servers, one of which couldn't be identified and for all we know is recording your data along with your IP and other deets.

    Kawaii Anime Girl. Anime Girl Kawaii
  • Anime Girl Kawaii

  • appleguy123
    May 3, 06:36 PM
    There's a few mis-stated rules in Don't panic's rules that I will address shortly.

    But one is that a trap activates as soon as you attempt to leave the room. The only way to avoid a trap is to explore the room, which will discover, and disarm, the trap.

    With that said, there are currently nothing placed on the map by the villain. He will make his first move after you slow-pokes are done ;)

    I'm confused. Are you saying that the villain gets to listen to our conversations and then place the traps? Can he place a trap in the room we're in right now? If so, should this planning be done via PM?

    Kawaii Anime Girl. anime girls or Hachi-Roku.
  • anime girls or Hachi-Roku.

  • maflynn
    Apr 5, 02:50 PM
    I find it humorous over these posts but basically people shouldn't be surprised or even angry.

    Apple has always maintained a closed ecosystem with the iPhone. This is no different. You want choice and ability to easily modify the OS, then go to android. Apple is all about the walled garden and they're not about to change now.

    Kawaii Anime Girl. Cute anime girl - bed, blonde,
  • Cute anime girl - bed, blonde,

  • Rot'nApple
    Mar 29, 05:15 PM
    Thousands of people are dying in Japan and all you idiots care about is iPod Touch batteries? That's kind of... selfish.

    Umm, sadly, tens of thousands of people have already died from the natural disaster alone (earthquake/tsunami) and Nuclear Power or anything "man-made" had nothing to do with it... However, the secondary hit Japan is going to take from their Nuclear problem remains to be seen.

    What really is selfish is these so called environmentalists that decry oil drilling as bad for the earth and a pollutant in so many ways, that they and other activists made it EVIL to even think it and some politicians make fun of it, but yet the world's economies depend on fossil fuels in so many ways. While it may be true of oil's pollutant value, there is no mistaking that you can go in and clean up most oil spills without a geiger counter and not worry about radiation poisoning and the people would have oil to heat their homes and gas to drive their cars. Something those in the hard struck areas of Japan currently don't have. Let us not forget countless other products that have oil as a by-product in it's formation, such as ( Let alone iPod batteries.

    Wonder how the fine folks at Chernobyl are doing? Anyone here moving there soon? I'd bet you'd have better luck in Prince William Sound in Alaska.

    Thank you environmentalist!

    Kawaii Anime Girl. Angelic Anime Girl
  • Angelic Anime Girl

  • shandowee
    Sep 16, 08:59 AM
    Ok people, how's this? I ordered a 17" MBP on Sep 8. I upgraded the ram and hard drive. It was supposed to ship yesterday, the 15th.

    I checked my order status today and the ship date has changed to October 2! I also received an e-mail from Apple stating that there were unexpected delays.

    I held out hoping for a C2D but broke down and bought on the 8th. I was all excited that it was going to ship yesterday. I don't even care so much about a C2D, I just want my Mac. But here's hoping anyway.

    Ya est�n aqu�...

    they are here...

    Kawaii Anime Girl. anime girl
  • anime girl

  • toddybody
    Apr 5, 03:00 PM
    In case you haven't picked up - I have a passion for asians, so I was agreeing that there should be 75% of asian girls sitting on unaffordable cars wallpapers in Cydia.

    If only they had a passion for you :(

    Kawaii Anime Girl. Kawaii anime girls
  • Kawaii anime girls

  • DavidLeblond
    Jul 29, 08:44 PM
    Of course Verizon will wait two years before they decide to adopt it into their lineup.

    Yeah tell me about it.

    How much does it take to break a Verizon contract again...?

    Apr 8, 09:07 AM
    Stay classy, Steve :p

    Sep 15, 07:50 PM
    damn I hope this is true, I'm getting tired of sounding like a broken record but "if the C2D MBP isn't released this time I'm just buying the current model"

    I'm not even sure if I believe myself anymore :rolleyes:

    May 7, 11:22 AM
    I use Mobileme every day and it comes through for me every time. I also use it knowing that when i'm reading my email it's just me reading it not some automatic data mining program watching my every move.

    Think about this. Your life, your privacy and ability to communicate without someone watching was sold down the river for a pittance. It's seems fair to you because your are the one that gets capitalized on in a capitalist society.

    OK, I'll grant you that MobileMe doesn't suck as much as I make it sound. I just don't like it and so I don't use it anymore. Fair enough.

    But, I think you misunderstand how Google's ads work. They aren't indexing and storing your emails in some data bank to sell off to ad companies. They do simple pattern matching on the text in your email to figure out which ads are most relevant and then displays those to you. The ad companies don't have access to your emails and can't read them, etc. I'm not being capitalized. If I don't want the ads I can pay $50 / year, or I can take the ads for free. That's just business, I enter into that in full agreement. And I trust Google just as much (if not more) than some random schmo ISP that would give me shoddy email service and just as much privacy as Google does but without the ads.

    May 4, 03:04 PM
    Because it has a payment system and delivery system in place.

    But it isn't an app. It's an OS upgrade.

    So why sell it in the App Store?

    Apple isn't a poor company, the Apple Store (the website) has been able to sell digital software for years. They could set up a very sophisticated method for selling Mac OS X to people without using the App Store.

    If I was Apple, I'd sell (through their website) a licence for Mac OS X. You'd download a small App, which would give you the option to either install it to the computer you were on right then or to create a DVD or USB key which could also be used to install the OS. This App would then download the appropriate files and continue the install/make the DVD.

    May 6, 01:43 AM
    My so soon, I'm already excited to start waiting for the powerbook which will finally get an "ARM 5" processor :).

    Kawaii Anime Girl Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin