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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

robert e lee high school san antonio

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  • kny3twalker
    Mar 30, 12:35 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    "Windows" was a generic term in the computer industry before Microsoft had any trademark.

    Yes, but that doesn't matter. The word Windows is no generic IT word, while app(lication) is. That's the difference.

    "Apple" can't be used to trademark a fruit, but it can be used to trademark a computer. "Windows" can't be used to trademark "windows of a house" but it can be for an operating system. "App store" can be trademarked for a brothel but not for a store that sells computer applications.

    Windows are generic. More so than app store. Just took at your browser and see where it says open a new window. This is not specific to only windows OS.
    I am old enough to remember the complaints of Microsoft calling there OS windows when they were not the first to create the concept.

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  • rockosmodurnlif
    Mar 30, 01:06 PM
    MP3 player is a broad term to refer to a whole class of products just like DVD player. App Store was not a generic or broad term used to describe anything before Apple made it popular. They put those two words together and created a brand out of it.
    That's like arguing no one put Apple can put "i" before a product name.

    I see your point, but in that example there were already products in the market using the term "mp3 player". In the case of App Store, was that term previously in use? And by the way, "Mighty Mouse" wasn't a trademark violation, they listed that it was used with permission from day one.
    I stand corrected on "Mighty Mouse". There were app stores before Apple, which is why when Apple premiered theirs I didn't get the big hub-bub. PalmGear (,en,usd/palm/index.html), now PocketGear, was selling apps for Palms when Apple was working on OS X. Handango too I think. These were app stores before Apple's App Store.

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  • Jazwire
    Apr 22, 11:31 AM
    Awesome, been holding off on getting one.

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  • Analog Kid
    Sep 16, 02:32 AM
    why is the US so far behind Europe with this kind of technology?

    (edit: maybe it isn't i haven't shopped for a phone in nearly a year)
    Because we don't ride trains... Asia, Europe have idle time commuting where they can fiddle with the functions on a phone-- we're too busy flipping people off and trying not to get killed. Americans use the phone to talk and that's about it.

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  • ECUpirate44
    Mar 29, 11:25 AM
    Microsoft should work on perfecting windows before starting a mobile OS

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  • ~Shard~
    Sep 13, 09:14 PM
    Dear god, enough with the phone rumors already!:mad:

    Would you prefer us to go back to the PowerBook G5 rumors instead? :p ;) :D

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  • xenotaku
    Sep 14, 07:05 AM
    the iPhone is going to be a useless product unless they release it in big enough sizes to replace my iPod. It's like carrying two ipods around. I already have a 60 gig...why would I spend the extra money to buy an expensive phone that only holds 5 gigs or something? It's just a dumb idea, unless they release major sizes that can replace the big ipods. I don't know why everyone is drooling over this thing.

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  • BillyBobBongo
    Apr 20, 09:54 AM
    Wonder how long this item will remain here...the one on Engadget managed about 7 minutes. ;)

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  • manu chao
    Sep 10, 05:25 PM
    I have to conclude that people who want to use their 10 year old CRT are just incredibly cheap and don't value their screens as much as being able to claim how fast their CPU is.

    Maybe, with the current pace at which CPUs are improving, I would want to upgrade my CPU every 18 months but my screen only every 36 months?

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 19, 08:51 AM
    Too bad Apple couldn't just ask Samsung to behave themselves... Maybe they did?

    I don't know about you, but it's pretty obvious to me that the Samsung devices pictured here are a clear and blatant rip-off of Apple's designs and interface. At least other Android devices had some differentiating elements. Not so here. Even a monkey could see Samsung stealing Apple's bananas in this case.

    So you know, before you sue, you issue a "Cease" letter explaining your claim and asking the offending company to stop. So in essence, they did ask. It's part of the process.

    Really guys.... this is all just normal business. It amazes me when people get up in arms either way. Valid patents and technology innovations need to protected by their owners... otherwise they are fools to let others copy them... especially when you do have the hottest single product out there. Apple worked hard to get where they are and to just let others copy freely would be stupid on Apple's part.

    With that said, I'm saying the above as a "fanboy" but as someone in the software industry and value the things I've done in the past and patents we've had.

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  • wovel
    Mar 30, 01:45 PM
    Agreed.... Macs had windows long before PC's had "Windows". I think that if one can be a trademark then the other surely can. Personally, I think that if there were no such precedence, then neither should be allowed as a trademark. But terms like this have been allowed as trademarks for quite some time. Microsoft should just drop it -- what is their vested interest here anyway? There are a thousand things they can call their application store.

    Microsoft's interest is obvious. They want to create marketplace confusion to aid in the sale of an inferior product. You know, the thing trademarks were designed to protect against..

    You say App Store, everyone on the planet who does nut have their head shoved up their backside only thinks of one thing. Before Apple made the App store, no one thought of anything at all when you said it...

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  • macfan881
    Sep 12, 02:46 PM
    I'm in the same boat, just bought mah-jong for my video ipod and it won't drag in. and itunes says my software is "up to date":mad:
    i was able to get it by just restoring it through the ipod details in itunes im now qurently updating my ipod to 1.2

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  • azentropy
    Apr 19, 08:11 AM
    Did anyone expect Samsung to say, "Yep, you got us."?

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  • ImNoSuperMan
    Sep 26, 08:04 AM
    What about India? I want me an iPhone!! :mad:

    And why the exclusive deal? Wouldn't that mean that Apple would sell LESS iPhone's? I can't see how an exclusive deal with Cingular/O2 benefits anyone other than Cingular/O2...

    i`d once bought an unlocked T-Mobile Sony T610 in India and it worked absolutely fine with all the GSM providers I tried. So in case even if this iPhone is exclusive to Cingular we`d still be able to get it to work here(fingers crossed).

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  • Josias
    Sep 10, 06:15 AM
    It seems Apple could just wait for Clovertown...

    which appears to be 2 Woodcrests on one processor. Could we see 8-Core Mac Pros' in 2007?


    Oh, Kentsfield will as Conroe maybe not support duel processors, thereby disabling the opportunity of 8 cores? I c...;)

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  • retroactiv
    Mar 29, 11:51 AM
    Windows is as easy to use as SL. I'd say in terms of functionality Windows beats SL hands down. But most Apple fans idea of functionality in Windows is complexity and they prefer the dumbed down Mac operating system.

    When I start using Mac OS X 2 years ago, it took me two solid months to get used to its ways. I can tell you, when I started out, I would not have described Apple's operating system as easy to use. Now I'm competent using two operating systems, and can appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of both. Neither are very difficult to use if you apply yourself to learning, but you have to put in the time to take full advantage of either one of them.

    Well put :)

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  • Dmac77
    Apr 25, 01:45 AM
    OP you seem like you are nothing but spoiled know-it all brat. You probably won't stop until you kill someone on the road. :mad::mad::mad:

    I wouldn't go so far as to kill someone. If I killed them, how could they learn a lesson?


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  • rtharper
    Sep 14, 12:10 PM
    I work in a government building. With ours there is a rule about cameras but it isn't strict.
    Basically they say there is a difference between holding your phone as if you're going to take a picture and holding your camera when your texting, which we're supposed to at break (unless you're a manager and you have a work phone)

    Do you deal with classified material? The rule isn't important at the facility I worked at unless it was an area where clearance was required to enter.

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  • milo
    Sep 12, 03:59 PM
    That is the common sense reaction. You're seeing mac zealots here trying to trumpet how great these new iPods are.

    Updating a 4:3 screen with another 4:3 screen and claiming it's improved is like Yugo rereleasing their car and claiming it's improved because the gas cap is a different color. It's still a Yugo.

    Even apple admits that the iPod with video is pretty much the same box. Are you sure you're not getting confused by people excited by the new shuffle and nano? Or the software updates, which also apply to the previous iPod? I think I smell a straw man.

    Because they use the same battery, how can videos play longer and not music?

    Probably because video playback has been optimized, or they're using different video chips or screen.

    Well Folks, you all seem to be concerned about if your iPod 5G is outdated..
    ever thought about that?
    If I got Steve right, no iPod that was sold prior to this very day will be able to play videos from the iTMS sold from this day on - not if Apple hasn't been lying VERY much about the H.264 decoding capabilities of the "old" iPod 5G.

    I thought the 5G was already able to handle 640x480 movies, just couldn't display them at full resolution?

    Doesn't matter if it has been opened. I bought an iMac right before the new ones came out, it was bto with the upc cut out and sent in for the free iPod offer. They gave a FULL refund with no restocking fee, even I made sure they knew it was opened with the upc cut off. This policy is different than their normal return policy.

    Is that policy documented somewhere? Sounds like someone may have decided to be nice to you and make an exception.

    Aug 23, 10:15 PM
    Do you mean the cost of litigation or the potential award had Apple lost the case? It does seem like Apple wasn't very confident that they could win the case...after all Creative did file the patent before Apple, Creative was awarded the patent, and Apple was denied their patent. The iPod has brought Apple billions of dollars in revenue...a judgment against them could easily have cost them much more than $100 million.

    The cost of litigation would not even remotely approached 100 million. The cost of losing (ie, having a judgement against apple), now that would have probably exceeded 100 million. When a company is not sure about it's position, the best thing is to settle. You don't see IBM settling their Linux suit, do you?. And SCOunix hasn't even paid close to 100 mil in lawyers fees yet and they are fighting a losing battle.. no, if you are sure, you don't settle.. if you not sure or have even a sliver of doubt, it's better to settle. I'm sure apple filed the countersuit and initially decided to fight in hopes of having creative go away (basically, apple was bluffing).. you have to believe they knew they were infringing.. It does not matter what we think of the patent system.. that same patent system serves apple needs too. You live by the patent system, you sometimes get caught by it. Seems fair to me.

    Sep 19, 01:43 PM
    So, new movies this week? or do we have to wait until next?

    Probably at the same time as the Merom MBP. :eek:

    I bought one, just to test. Wasn't bad, would buy more if they add a title I want.

    Sep 19, 03:07 PM
    i wonder how will unbox is doing in comparason. anyone know how will it did first week?

    Aug 28, 03:37 PM
    The new MBPs will be announced on 6th with the free 2-3 day shipping, so MBPs would arrive sooner than the PCs inspite of announcing a week later!

    Quartz Extreme
    Sep 1, 07:55 AM
    With you so far, but I don't think Core 2 Duo is realy all that much of a big deal for Apple in the grand scheme of things. It's a small speed bump, with 64 bit as a bonus extra.

    Well, for the Merom, you get about 20% performance for the same clock speed as well as slightly improved power usage. With the Conroe, the change is much more noticable, providing 40% more performance, while using 40% less power than the Pentium D.

    The Core 2 Duo models also sport these cheesy Intel-named features. (Translation in parenthesis)
    - Intel® Wide Dynamic Execution (Widens the execution core by 33% and adds Macro-fusion to combine x86 instructions)
    - Intel® Intelligent Power Capability (better SpeedStep technology)
    - Intel® Advanced Smart Cache (refined, faster cache design)
    - Intel® Smart Memory Access (lower latency memory access)
    - Intel® Advanced Digital Media Boost (do SSE instructions in one cycle)

    The Core 2 is basically a refinement of everything in Yonah. For Merom, it's a modest increase, but for the Conroe, there will be a bigger difference.

    I don't believe any of this. The intel MacBook Pros just came out,

    Announced in January, released in February, speed bumped in May. I'm in the market for a MBP, so I hope they update it soon.

    Why screw aroud with a proven design, when there's absolutely no need.

    I'm thinking they'll make minor changes, like make the top bezel thinner, as it's a little wider right now for the camera, and change the case slightly if necessary to accomodate a dual-layer burner. And please, give back the FW800 and add another USB port!

    As far as features go, It'd be neat to offer 802.11N (probably not because the spec isn't final yet, though I don't think G was final when they made Airport Extreme) and maybe a bumped GPU also.

    The same goes for the iMac, it's a great design. They had a chance to rev the designs when they moved to intel and chose not to.

    I think what Apple has been doing by keeping most of their models with virtually the same look with the switch to Intel is to create a sense of continuity with the PPC Macs.

    They might change the case to be more accessable (I think that was lost somewhere in the G5 era) and to loose some of the blank white space below the screen (It doesn't bother me, but I've heard people say it does a bit).

    Just minor refinements because, yes I agree, it is a great design. It kinda reminds me of a futuristic original Macintosh.

    Oh, and maybe they'll have it in black.

    As for movie download, it's possible but I think it would be a premature move. Further expansion of their TV show range is much more likely as it fits the casual listening/watching pattern of iPod owners.

    Well, when Apple does it (I do say when because there is a ton of evidence pointing that way), they will change the iPod to make it more feasable for people to watch full-length movies on it...with a widescreen touch display, and maybe crank up the output resolution so it's decent for watching on TV. Then throw in Bluetooth for remote control and wireless audio streaming.

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